Monday, April 12, 2021

Questions about the Gamma-Delta Alumni

The four guys you have listed are all affiliated with Gamma-Delta and have been since they transferred and were added to your roster.  There is no difference in their status or affiliation because their original initiation was at another chapter.  They are definitely part of your alumni and should show up on your lists.

I have attached a copy of our honorary guide.  Yes, men can be initiated as alumni members.  That is, in fact, how I joined back in 1999.  I would be happy to talk with you and/or any of them about the process.  There is a $300 initiation fee; it cost the same for every man to join TKE whether they join as a collegiate member or as an alumnus.  We can discuss the possibility of having them initiated at the same time with the new student class or setting up a separate ritual just for the honorary/alumni guys.  Though we use “honorary initiation” language, that is just to specify that it’s not a traditional student initiation; it is full membership in the Fraternity with full rights and privileges.  We have actually had two Past Grand Prytani who originally joined through the honorary initiation process.  

Regarding the Order of Diana, we no longer support that or a Little Sisters program.  You are certainly welcome to include them in your locally managed contact list, to be communicating with them, and invite them to some or all of your alumni events.  Some groups also stay connected similarly with past house moms and former advisors/campus deans.  It would not be allowed to elect anyone other than an initiated member as an officer of the association.

I’d be eager to talk with you about initiating those guys who never had the chance to make it official.  When would be a good time this week to connect?


Christopher Niles
Alumni Engagement Director
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Better Men for a Better World

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