Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Gamma-Delta was approved

This morning I received some great news that Gamma-Delta was approved unanimously by the Grand Council to colonize. We are well on our way and will be initiating the newest class of Gamma-Delta Fraters on Sunday, April 25th. If you would like to tune into the ceremony virtually, I will be sending out a Zoom link next week. 

The Colony has been working hard recently to continue recruiting and have gotten involved on campus. Last week they participated in their first sorority philanthropy with Chi Omega and came out victorious. They have also signed up to do this with Sigma Delta Tau and Tri Delta this week. Getting involved philanthropically is great for the group and will help bluster their reputation on campus. The group is on track to Charter and become a full-fledged chapter at a fast pace. I anticipate them submitting a petition to charter at the end of the Fall semester or early in the spring of 2022. 

If you would like to follow along with what they are up to on social media, you can find the links to their Instagram and Facebook pages below. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/umiamitke 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umiamitke/ (@umiamitke)

Yours In The Bond, 
PJ Malafronte

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