Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Level of commitment

I understand there’s a decision to make about which level of commitment that you want to select.  I encourage the discussion and am happy to share more perspectives if you wish.

The one thing I would discourage, though, is tying your commitment for the Alumni Association to how the colony is working.  I am thrilled that the rebuilding on campus has sparked this effort, but I hope the association takes on its own life and maintains a focus on your fellow alumni.  Even in a worst case scenario of the colony/chapter being closed again at some point in the future, I would hope the association persists.  

Imagine what the relationships might be like now across the generations and segments of Gamma-Delta alumni if there had been a formal association for the past several years.  What kind of support might there be for the rebuilding effort if the association already had been in place.  I just hope you don’t limit your vision for the association based just on what’s happening for the students.  It’s much more than that and can drive the legacy of Gamma-Delta for everyone.

Christopher Niles
Alumni Engagement Director
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Better Men for a Better World

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