Monday, February 22, 2021

Momentum has continued to build

Momentum has continued to build throughout the last week on campus as we continue our efforts to revitalize Gamma-Delta to the University of Miami. I am happy to share that COVID-19 cases in the community are now under better control and we have resumed in person activities. TKE held our first in person event last night at TopGolf. This was the first opportunity men had to get to know others who are interested in person. Attendance at the event was maximum capacity for what the university/TopGolf are permitting and everyone seemed to have a great time. We also have 4 events planned for this week and will continue to plan things out for the coming weeks in a safe manner. There are currently 7 bids that have been accepted with another 8 that have been extended that we are waiting to hear a decision on. I expect more acceptances as the men have more opportunities to engage with one another.

I will be holding an alumni update Zoom meeting tomorrow night at 8pm EST to provide updates, answer questions, and discuss needs and opportunities for alumni involvement; call details are below. As the group develops, there will be a further need for alumni support. No matter your location or availability there is absolutely a way you can contribute to the revitalization of TKE here at the University of Miami. If you cannot make the meeting but would like to be involved please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 

Looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow night!!

PJ Malafronte

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