Sunday, February 14, 2021

Second full week of expansion efforts

I hope you all are staying safe and doing well. We are through our second full week of  expansion efforts to revitalize the Gamma-Delta chapter at the University of Miami. Upon arriving to Coral Gables, there was  positive traffic on campus despite the impacts of the virus. Recently we have run into a spike in COVID-19 cases halting in person student involvement activities for two weeks, including Greek Life. This prohibits us from in person events and tabling on campus, but there remains plenty of interest in TKE. 

 In total around 500 men who came out for recruitment this year and only 274 accepted bids. There has been growing momentum so far in terms of interest in TKE. Despite the current restrictions, I have been able to meet one-on-one with 48 men, extending 8 bids and I have meetings set in the coming days to extend 3 more bids. I will also be following up with many men I spoke with in the first two weeks to extend more bids to them, as I see fit. Additionally, there is a full slate of virtual events for men to attend and meet each other next week. I am very encouraged by the early success and looking forward to the next few weeks. 

 I am hosting a Zoom call for you and your fellow alumni on Monday, February 22 at 8pm Eastern to provide updates, answer questions, and discuss needs and opportunities for alumni involvement; call details are below. As the group develops, there will be a further need for alumni support. There are three critical ways you can help support the recolonization of Delta-Gamma – Time, Talent, and Treasure. Men can contribute their time by serving as a volunteer for the chapter as a Chapter Advisor or as a member of the Board of the Advisors. You can extend your talent by assisting the future Tekes as they pursue their careers or by coming in and educating on an area of passion. Lastly, you can invest your treasure by donating to Life Loyal Teke, the Chapter Assistance Program or even forming a scholarship fund. I look forward to speaking with you about  our plan  for Gamma-Delta as we navigate new developments and explore opportunities to fuel the growth of the colony. 

PJ Malafronte

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