Thursday, July 22, 2021

Quite a bit of change

There have been a few things that have stayed the same, but also quite a bit of change as well. For housing fraternity row still exists, but chapters also rent “satellite houses" off campus. A satellite house is essentially a place that is not officially owned or paid for by the fraternity, but is housed with strictly brothers. These tend to be places where most social events occur and is just another good spot for our men to be able to hangout. There is a group of Gamma-Delta Fraters that will be renting one for this year. The dorm scene at Miami has definitely improved over the last few years and many of our guys will either be living together on campus or in apartments right near campus. 

The colony also has secured a suite in the Panhellenic Building for this year which they will use for smaller meetings, to study, hangout and smaller events. For Colony Meetings I have recommended they get in the habit of using a classroom or lecture hall. I have found that will groups that have their meetings in more casual places (like a house) it is harder to fit everyone in the meeting room when the group reaches its growth potential and the business of the fraternity isn’t taken as seriously. 

It is also very common for chapters to claim a section of the library and study together as well as hangout on the patio. 

I am always happy to assist where I can and answer questions. 

PJ Malafronte

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