Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Progress of the Gamma-Delta colony

 I am excited to share an update on the progress of the Gamma-Delta colony. We have made significant progress and currently have 23 Candidates. There are 10 other interested men I am ready to extend bids to and the goal is to be at 40 Candidates before my departure on April 2nd.

 We have appointed six officers so far and others will be appointed in the next few weeks. The leadership have begun to carry significant weight and want to grow Gamma-Delta quickly. The students have set a goal of 50 initiates by the end of the semester. 

 The colony has also begun to branch out and connect with other organizations on campus. We have partnered with Tri Delta for a March Madness St. Jude Bracket Challenge and we will have some men playing in their golf tournament next month. We have also created good ties with Chi Omega and a few other groups. 

 I want to congratulate Frater Rey Morales and thank him for accepting the position of Chapter Advisor. Rey is an FIU alum and serves as a Province Advisor in the Apollo Province (FL). Rey will be able to provide great insight and guidance for these men as the group continues to develop. 

 We are looking for other alumni who are willing to support the efforts on campus and these fine young men. If you are interested in staying updated about what is happening on campus or interested in learning about ways to get involved, please respond to this email so I can follow up again soon. 

PJ Malafronte

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Gamma Delta re-charter

  You can work with me directly on chartering the group.  Having a formal association can help bridge your alumni factions.  Even if the group starts with a core from your era, it can naturally extend and engage others as well.  I know some groups prefer to have separate Facebook groups for different eras who are more connected to each other, but the presence and the communication from the association helps tie everyone in.

   Starting the chartering process is as easy as sending me an email with the names and email addresses of 20 interested Fraters along with the initial slate of officers.  Per the Black Book, there must be a minimum of 3 officers: president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer.    If someone will be paying the chartering fee on a card, I can provide a payment link for that, or I can give you the details for sending a check to HQ.  

Please let me know what other questions you have and how I can be helpful.

Christopher Niles
Alumni Engagement Director
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Better Men for a Better World