Monday, April 20, 2020

Gamma-Delta Expansion at UM

The Director of Expansion and I, along with our Chief Risk Officer made a presentation to the university and the IFC earlier this year and TKE has been approved to return to campus.  My understanding is that is currently slated for Spring 2021, but those timelines are subject to change.  

I regret if you and your fellow Fraters were not already aware of this.  Without an organized alumni association in place, it is often harder to share the news with the alumni and, given the timing, I don’t believe we have made any concerted effort to spread the word.  My email about the alumni was part of a broader outreach to all groups without chartered alumni associations.  It was not directly tied to the upcoming expansion, but getting the alumni organized can certainly be a supportive step toward a successful rebuild on campus.  

I am happy to help in any way I can.  

Yours in the Bond,
Christopher Niles
Alumni Engagement Director
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Better Men for a Better World

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Gamma-Delta alumni association

I am reaching out to you as Past Prytani from the Gamma-Delta chapter.  My name is Chris Niles and I serve as TKE’s Director of Alumni Engagement.  I would like to spark a conversation – and ideally start a movement – toward reorganizing an alumni association with you and your fellow Fraters.  Based on what I can see, your association was last chartered in 2013 and has not been in good standing since; I do not assume, though, that means your alumni are not active or connected in various other ways.  And with the impending return of the chapter, this can be all the more reason for the alumni to remain actively engaged, have an official connection to TKE and keep the spirit alive.  

  I hope you and those you care about are safe and well in the midst of the pandemic.  While this is a challenging time and a major disruption for all of us, both personally and professionally, it also provides an important moment for reflection.  This moment represents a valuable opportunity for us to leverage our brotherhood and our values – to demonstrate the best of what TKE has always been.  I believe that organizing and motivating your alumni can bring new life to the TKE experience, help bridge the entirety of your scroll, and demonstrate the true meaning of Fraternity for Life.  Chartering your alumni association can be done quickly and easily, and the payoff is well worth it.

  Here is a link to our association resource guide.  Whether you are willing to be directly involved or are in a position to refer/recommend others, I would be eager to talk with you or anyone else directly to share perspectives and answer questions and I can offer a video conference call if a group of you would like to connect about this.  I am also hosting virtual “office hours” every week for and about alumni associations; I am online and available on Wednesdays 11am-noon and again 9-10pm (eastern times).  Call-in details are below for any individuals or clusters that want to talk during those times, and I am readily available at other times throughout the week.

  I look forward to working with you and your fellow Fraters.  We had over 100 delegates representing their alumni associations at our last Conclave and the trend for alumni engagement keeps going up.  It would be great to help you organize and get chartered so that the Gamma-Delta alumni can be a more active part of the TKE family and be officially represented the next time the Grand Chapter gathers in Houston in 2021.  I am happy to support your efforts in any way I can.

Yours in the Bond,
Christopher Niles
Alumni Engagement Director
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Better Men for a Better World