Monday, November 1, 2021

The "Chartering Committee"

I hope all is well with you all. I had a couple of meetings late last week with both the "Chartering Committee" who is in charge of putting together the chartering petition and Rey and Keyur on Friday to talk through chartering for the spring. When a group charters there is a full weekend of festivities. On Friday night there will be the final initiation of the colony, Saturday will be the chapter installation ritual and chartering banquet, and then we will wrap up Sunday with Chapter Retreat. When talking to Keyur and Rey, we landed on the first weekend in April (April 1-3) to hold these festivities. There is also the opportunity to add other things into the weekend like dinner after initiation Friday night or a brunch or lunch on Sunday.

The next step on this would be to get communication out to the scroll and pin down a location for the chartering banquet. I am happy to start to work with our communications team to get an announcement out. I think the smartest thing for us to do is to partner in these efforts and get "save the dates" out from both the HQ level and local level. The messaging around the first announcement should be something along the lines of "save the date pending completion of all chartering requirements and approval of the Grand Council" and then we can follow up with confirmation once we get the stamp of approval from the Council, which I expect in December or early January. 

In terms of finding a location for the banquet, I wanted to pose the question of who should be leading this? BOA, Alumni Association, or Active Colony? We don’t necessarily want to sign any contracts until we gain approval from the Grand Council, but it would be smart to have one ready to sign for when we do gain approval.

I am happy to come to the next BOA meeting to further discuss. I have had conflicts for the last few. Let me know your thoughts or if you have any other questions.

PJ Malafronte