Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Successful end to the semester

As the summer begins I am very happy to report a successful end to the semester for Gamma-Delta. I recently received the grade report from the University of Miami and the colony finished the semester with a 3.604 GPA which was the top in the IFC and 4th best out of 28 Greek Organizations. For comparison, the all-male university average is 2.97. Additionally, the men raised $4,200 for various philanthropic causes through philanthropy weeks put on but on by sororities on campus. 

The group has not taken the foot off the gas since the end of the semester. The officers will continue to meet regularly throughout the summer to prepare for a successful fall. Additionally, Gamma-Delta will be sending two men to TKE Leadership Academy in August- Prytanis, Jacob Bolling and Crysophylos, Nader Youssef.

The next step to move toward Chartering is to finalize who will serve on the Board of Advisors. I have received interest from Fraters in the Miami area (some of which are included on this email) and will be finishing up conversations with them in the next week so the Board can be fully operational by the start of the Fall Semester. If there are any Gamma-Delta alumni or other Fraters in the Miami area who you think may be interested in helping please let me know. 

Lastly, I wanted to make you all aware of a new opportunity for volunteers this summer.  There is a new slate of volunteer programming called the summer series that will start in a couple of weeks. Registration for this will be open until Friday so feel free to go ahead and sign up. There is no expectation to attend all sessions, but you are more than welcome to. 

If you have any questions about anything please let me know!

PJ Malafronte